Energy Sourcing

Supplier Negotiations and Risk Management in the Nordic Power Market

VENI Energy Group is the leading service provider for Energy Sourcing and risk management of electric power to businesses in the Nordics. With close to 30 years of experience, we have more than 48,000 customers in Finland, Sweden, and Norway, with a total consumption of more than 11 billion kWh per year. VENI’s Nordic team of experts manages this volume, making qualified decisions based on expertise from the wholesale market and broad insight into to the risks and opportunities in the Nordic power market.

For our different service offerings, the team continuously examines the market to evaluate when to hedge and how to source power. In all service offerings, the customer portfolios’ environmental footprint is considered with VENI sourcing power with renewable and carbon-free origins. VENI’s services reduce risks while securing long-term competitive terms for our customers. By monitoring the market in the short and long term, procurements and hedges are made at the right time to protect our customers from market volatility and rapid price increases.


“VENI Energy Group is the leading provider of electricity sourcing services across Finland, Sweden and Norway”

Portfolio Management

Since 2006, VENI has offered its Portfolio Management service, where a key driver is the benefit of scale. By pooling customers in large joint portfolios, we give SMEs the same opportunities in the market as large-scale industrial consumers. As part of a portfolio with a large combined volume, VENI gradually builds up hedge positions for your future volume, using different contract types to optimize risk management. VENI’s hedged price is typically the result of 36 months of active portfolio management. Over time, this has proven to reduce risk for our customers in the event of sudden price fluctuations while also giving the customers a stable and low electricity cost. When using different types of hedging contracts, the portfolio is positioned to take advantage of lower prices in the short term. We aim to secure a predictable and competitive electricity price, with the possibility of a lower price if the market price falls. In periods where the market conditions are favorable, VENI may choose to fully hedge the expected consumption for the next one to three quarters and guarantee our customers a fixed price ceiling for the period.

Benefits of the Portfolio Management model:

  • Professional management of companies’ electricity purchases, allowing customers to focus on their organization and core business.
  • By optimization of the hedge level through the various seasons, our customers are protected against price spikes, typically during winter months, while taking advantage of low-price periods e.g. as during summer.
  • We offer competitive terms thanks to the large, aggregated volume of VENI’s customers. The delivery and invoicing of electricity are carried out through physical suppliers, while price hedging follows competition between the major players in the wholesale market.
  • To reduce our customers’ costs, we seek to actively take advantage of periods when market prices fall by taking hedge positions for next years’ deliveries.
  • Our customers receive yearly documentation of our trades in Guarantees of origin as a proof of reduced environmental footprint from being a VENI customer.
  • Customers can observe actual and predicted prices and consumption via our VENI Customer Portal.

Customized Sourcing

Customized Sourcing is a service based on the Portfolio Management setup, with tailor-made and customer-specific hedging strategies to accommodate the needs of larger electricity consumers. The service is available to customers with a yearly power consumption of 8 GWh or more. The key for this service is identifying the customer’s risk related to price movements in the power market and building hedging strategies to optimize the customer’s portfolio. As this is a customized solution, our customers are welcome to be involved in the decision-making of handling and adapting to the risks in the Nordic power market. Through Customized Sourcing, the customer gets access to all relevant markets and products for hedging purposes.

Benefits of Customized Sourcing:

  • Energy sourcing specific to the customer’s needs and risk profile
  • A dedicated Senior Portfolio Manager
  • Continuous follow-up on market analyses, strategies, and hedging opportunities
  • Regular portfolio meetings with a review of risk, mandates, and the hedging plan
  • A monthly portfolio report
  • Customers can observe actual and predicted prices and consumption via our VENI Customer Portal
  • Customized sourcing customers can impact their environmental footprint by defining the guidelines for trade in Guarantees of origin related to their electricity consumption

Tendering & Hedging

Our Tendering & Hedging service is a tailored service where VENI tenders the customer’s volumes among the different suppliers in the market. Depending on the agreed strategy, VENI makes decisions alone or together with the customer on when and how much of the customer’s volume to hedge. The suppliers place bids on the margins they need to deliver and manage each customer’s consumption. VENI will then accept the most attractive offer based on margin and terms, and our team of experts will manage the electricity procurement by placing orders to fix future prices when the short- and long-term markets are considered attractive.

The target of Tendering & Hedging is to reduce risks and secure predictable and low electricity costs for our customers.

Are you a public customer?

The Tendering & Hedging service meets all public procurement regulations and is particularly suitable for public customers.

Benefits of Tendering & Hedging:

  • Public tendering process enabled in the service
  • Margin level and terms are tendered, and the best offer chosen
  • Active procurement based on market signals and VENI’s expertise
  • A dedicated Portfolio Manager at your service
  • The price can be hedged before the delivery period based on the customer’s preferences • Easier for customers to budget for electricity costs
  • Customers can impact their environmental footprint by defining the guidelines for trade in Guarantees of origin related to their electricity consumption
  • Customers can observe actual and predicted prices and consumption via our VENI Customer Portal.

Securing energy for your business